pawn pawn

Chess Videos

Chess Tools


May 17, 2010

Premium Membership Price Increase

Note: if you are currently a premium member, your rates *will not* increase. As long as you stay a premium member, your rate stays the same

ChessVideos has grown tremendously in the past year. Our archive has over 150 premium videos and we have two producers making weekly videos. We've also added position search (looking for a video about your favorite opening?) and downloads for your iPod/iPhone. To continue to provide great services and expand the content we can offer, we will be increasing the prices for our premium memberships to $4.49 for a semi-annual membership and $5.99 for a monthly membership. We believe that premium membership continues to be a great value, and we hope that current and future members will continue to support us through premium memberships.

The price increase will take effect on Sunday May 23rd, and to reiterate: will only affect *future* premium members of the site. All current premium members or users that sign up before May 23rd will lock in the old rates for as long as their membership is valid.